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Earrings and a Tie is a story of a young girl, Lily, and her two older brothers who are being raised in a household where they are taught the importance of self-love. Their parents are traditional parents who have created a lifestyle that mirrors their upbringing which they are passing on to their children. They come from a time when encouraging the inner child was the ultimate priority. Lily and her brothers learn this valuable life lesson.

A sure way to enhance your life is to be grateful for the things you already have.  Whether it be material things, good health, financial riches, a great career, or love, there is something in every day that you can be thankful for.  Daily acknowledgment of these things unfolds more things for you to be grateful for and allows answers for those things you are praying for.  Take a moment each day to write a note to self of what you are grateful for and what you are believing for.  As you fill your jar, you will begin to experience the benefits of true gratitude.  

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