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The Fight for the seed

There is power in your family. When God joins a man and woman as one, there are great things to come from that union. When Matthew 19:5, 6 says, when two and are joined as husband and wife they become one and what God has joined together, let no man separate, this indicates the union of husband and wife has purpose and power. The seed has been planted and the expectation has sprung forth. If God joined you to become one, there is greatness to flow from this union. When you come to realize this, you must also understand the evil one is going to do everything you can imagine to try to make you destroy or sever the union. His goal is to uproot this seed and stop the plan of God so every weapon in his arsenal will be used. He will stop at nothing. Therefore, fighting for your marriage, for your family, for your greatness should be your mission.

Let’s walk through it. Now of course no one goes into a marriage thinking about the battle to stay together. Honestly, every couple starts out believing their marriage will be different and they won’t go through things they’ve heard about or seen with other couples. And maybe you won’t, but you will go through tough times in one way or another and those tough times can make or break the marriage. I hope this inspirational post will help you see how your tough times can make your marriage stronger and better.

1. Finances are one of the most common strain on a marriage. There may be one of you who likes to save and spend sparingly and the other who has little or no discipline with the money. You may not agree on how to manage the finances. So, before you allow the different habits to destroy the love and passion that brought your union together, please recognize the weapon being drawn from the enemy’s arsenal.

a. If the two of you were raised with different views on money or different spending habits, see it for what it is; a mere difference based on other’s ideals. Then remember you are one now. You must find common ground or create your common ground. Some things you were taught may not fit with your needs, wants or purpose. Have an honest conversation with one another. Determine your goals and what is required to accomplish those goals. Look at your family and your future for your children, if you have children or plan to have them, and plan for your legacy. Break old bad spending habits and work together to achieve what is important to you and God. There is no room for pettiness or tug of war.

2. Raising your children can sometimes generate confusion. One parent may be more lenient or have a different view on what is okay and what is not and the other may be stern. Again, you are one now and this subject requires you two to be on accord. You cannot be in discord as this will cause a divide. Division is not of God. It is another weapon of the evil one. There is no set rule or way to raise your child(ren). They are individuals who will have different personalities and response to everything. Remember they are your mini’s so their thoughts, feelings, perceptions, behaviors are going to repeat one or both of your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors. Learn your children and work together to understand what works for their good individually and collectively. Be true to the commitment you made when coming together as one and stay on one accord. Know that with of all the accomplishments stamped with your name on it, your children are what the enemy wants to control or destroy more than anything because they are a continuation of your faith and of your works. If he can cause division and conflict in your family, it opens the door for him to tap into their lives. Guard their hearts, minds and souls with every ounce of fight you have in you and do it together. A woven rope is much stronger than a single string.

3. Fidelity is your strong weapon against the plans of the evil one. If at any time this is compromised in any way, there is more strength and power in the forgiveness and healing than you can imagine. This is hard to do, I know. But walking with God, seeking him for what you need to help you both get beyond it will prove to be something beyond your comprehension. I am not condoning infidelity at all but I want you to understand, it can be forgiven, you can heal and your marriage can be stronger and even better on the forgiving side of it. Know for sure it will take much prayer because only God can heal this hurt and your forgiveness will shut the enemy down. God will mend all if you both honestly and diligently go to Him. Please do not allow yourself to be broken or defeated by this weapon. Pray for one another daily from your wedding day until death do you part to have or gain this victory.

These are the three weapons we see used most often by the enemy to destroy a family. There are also other life concerns that can weigh heavy on a marriage such as illness, grief with the passing of a loved one, addictions, workload, friends, things from our past, or even in-laws. Every situation or concern can be rectified by simply praying and asking God to make the wrongs right in whatever way He knows is best. God has the authority and ability to change hearts, minds, behaviors, and circumstances. He is the only authority. Try Him, Trust Him, and watch Him work. You will always win when you follow these 2T’s.

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